March 29, 1902


Frank Carr of Wauconda was a visitor here Sunday.

Firemen’s dance Easter Monday. A good time assured.

Frank Roney shipped a car load of stock from here Monday.

Emil Frank and J. Goldberg were Chicago visitors Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman of Barrington were here Sunday.

George Knigge of Quentin’s Corners was a visitor here Wednesday.

The town election Tuesday will be a tame affair, only one candidate running on petition.

You are most cordially invited to attend the Volunteer Fire company’s dance in Ficke’s hall, Lake Zurich, on Easter Monday, March 31. Music by Varrello’s Chicago harp orchestra. Floor committee, Wm. Tonne, Frank Meyer and Herman Helfer. Tickets 50 cents, supper extra.

The village caucus last Saturday was very exciting, and a large number turned out to help their friends in office. The following were nominated: For president, E. A. Ficke; clerk, H. L. Prehm; trustees, Frank Scholz, Henry G. Hillman and Henry Seip. The election will be held Tuesday, April 15.


Mr. Tuttle spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Peckham.

Mark L. Riley of Chicago spent Sunday with E. W. Riley.

Misses Lizzie and Daisy Frear are visiting with friends here.

Elmer Peckham visited friends at Dundee Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Breggy have an increase in family since Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wallace of Cary spent Sunday with George Kelsey.

Miss Katherine Wiemuth of Chicago was seen in our village Wednesday.

Miss Mar Schumacher of Lake Zurich spent Sunday with Miss Rosa Peterson.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lincoln of Palatine spent a few days of this week in our village.

Mr. Peckham, sr., of Milton Junction, Wis., spent a few days this week with his son.

Miss Anna Belle Welsh spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. P. Donlea.

Fred Abbott had the misfortune to pour hot lead on his foot while at the foundry last Wednesday.


H. T. Fuller was a Chicago visitor Thursday.

H. Golding transacted business in Chicago Wednesday.

Frank Barbian of McHenry was a pleasant caller in our village last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Compton and daughter Ruth are the guests of Miss Mary Glynch.

H. E. Maiman transacted business at Chicago and Waukegan, Wednesday and Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stevens and son, who have been spending the past week with friends and relatives in our village, returned to their home at Waukegan Monday.

“The Danger Signal,” in two acts, will be given by the pupils of the junior and senior classes at the Oakland hall Friday evening, April 4. The proceeds will be used to add new books to the school library. For further particulars and cast of characters see large posters.

Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Golding spent Saturday and Sunday with friends and relatives in our village.

The shoe social given by the Rebekah lodge in the G. A. R. hall Monday evening, proved to be one of the most enjoyable events of the season. Quite a number were in attendance and a most pleasant time is reported by all.

Two suspicious characters were arrested by Constable Jake Wertz in William Huson’s barn, near Volo, on Sunday evening about 10:30 o’clock, and were brought to the jail in our village. On their person was found a large chisel and a revolver. The next morning a fuse, caps and five drills were found by the side of the road over which the prisoners were brought the previous evening. The prisoners were examined Monday morning, but the examination failed to reveal anything. In the afternoon, they were given a hearing, but no connected story could be had. They were then bound over to the grand jury under $1,000 bonds each. They were unable to furnish the bonds and were taken to the jail at Waukegan.


Vacation this week and the children are happy.

Mrs. Lizzie Miller of Elgin was a visitor Monday.

Adolph Oleson and wife of Geneva were visitors over Sunday.

George G. Mitchell has left the employ of the Bolt company.

Willis Hendricksen is working for the Borden milk condensing company.

Mrs. Joe Harvey of Elgin was here Friday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Harvey.

Miss Hattie Mitchell, of a Woodstock school, is spending the week’s vacation here.

Grace Miller returned from Chicago Monday and left for Evansville, Wis., Tuesday evening.

The Men’s League held an interesting session Tuesday evening. An interesting program was rendered.

Miss Mary Cowden and Miss Myrtle Runyan of Elgin were here Friday evening of last week to attend the W. C. T. U. Chinese tea.

The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. occurred Thursday afternoon. It was a mother’s meeting and a fine program was rendered.

More than one hundred tickets were sold for the Chinese tea and entertainment. There was an excellent program and many chinese curios on exhibition. Mrs. E. D. Wykoff gave a short, illustrated address on Chinese customs.