January 11, 1902
Horse race on the ice today.
F.L. Carr and Carl Eriksen were McHenry visitors Wednesday.
J. Frances of Janesville, Wis., was a business caller in our village Tuesday.
Mr. Carey of Chicago is the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Greene.
Martin Murray of Chicago visited with relatives and friends in our village Saturday.
Orton Hubbard returned to Chicago Thursday, after spending his holiday vacation at home.
Quite a number of our young people attended the New Year’s ball at Stofel’s hall Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Held returned to Chicago Saturday, after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones.
Installation of officers was held by the Mystic Workers last Wednesday evening. A full report will be given next week.
Miss Bertha Manicom returned to Elgin last Thursday, after a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Manicom.
Frank Wynkoop of Chicago and Fred Wynkoop of Woodstock spent a few days vacation last week with their parents in our village.
Frank Glynch returned to our village from Chicago Saturday and will spent the winter in our village with his aunt, Miss Mary Glynch.
Clyde. Torrance, who has been at work with the Wabash Railroad company for the past two months, returned to our village Wednesday.
L. E. Golding returned to Chicago Tuesday, after spending his holiday vacation at home. Mrs. Golding was sick and unable to return with him, but she is reported convalescent at present writing.
John Putnam, who will be remembered as a former resident of our village, is reported a victim of a serious accident, having his collar bone broken by a large block of coal falling upon him while unloading a car. He is now a resident of Bement, Ill.
Chas. Howard of Dundee is ill with liver trouble.
James Cook has returned to school at Champaign.
Eddie Lumm has returned to his home at Battle Creek, Mich.
The W. R. C. will install officers on Friday afternoon, January 18.
The Court of Honor held their installation of officers on Wednesday evening.
William Borden and family spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Max Baldwin.
Dundee Baptist church will hold a series of revival meetings, beginning February 1.
Miss Ivy, daughter of Delos Dunton, sang a solo at the Home Missionary meeting, held last Thursday afternoon.
There was a home missionary meeting and program at the ladies parlor Thursday afternoon. A large number were present.
The latest- new street lights.
Chas. Seip of Palatine was a caller here Thursday.
Henry Seip made a business trip to Chicago Monday.
Wm. Prehm is employed as a bartender for H. Branding.
Geo. Knigge and wife of Quentin’s Corners were visitors here Thursday.
Frank Roney has shipped a car load of hogs from this place Monday.
Chas. Scholz of Chicago was visiting with his parents over New Years’.
Frank Meyer has returned home last week and is again employed by the Bruce Ice company.
The Consumers’ Ice Co. have their house nearly filled with good 13-inch ice. The Bruce Ice company have their house about half full and have shipped a number of cars also.