Local History Blog
This photo from the Paul Thompson Collection, shows off Barrington from the air. Mr. Thompson took photos of Barrington while flying with his good friends, Louie and Connie Bos.
If you have photos of the Barrington Area you would like to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org
This photo from the Barrington Courier-Review shows young Jack Trude being congratulated by his teammates when his uncle, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.
If you have photos of the Barrington Area you would like to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org
This photo of the night sky, visible in Barrington Hills, is courtesy of Tom Auchter.
If you have photos of the Barrington Area you would like to share, please email Kate at kmills@balibrary.org
In honor of National Military Appreciation Month, we present a photo of Norris McGregor Hamilton, Civil War soldier. We thank Bruce Grabenkort for sharing this photo of his family member with us. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at the library, kmills@balibrary.org
This is a photo of Vehe Farm as it was a while ago. We thank the Village of Deer Park for sharing this photo with us. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at the library, kmills@balibrary.org
Despite the No Trespassing sign, we are curious to see what is in this old barn in Lake Barrington too! We thank the Village for sharing this photo with us. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at the library, kmills@balibrary.org
Meet Sophia Gellerman Lageschulte, 1860-1930. Sophia was the wife of H.J. Lageschulte and grandmother to Jack Lageschulte. We thank Jack for sharing this photo with us. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at the library, kmills@balibrary.org
Is Julia Robertson in this picture? The library has had a number of requests for a photo of Barrington's grande dame, Julia Robertson, wife of John Robertson whose home is now Barrington's White House. If you know of or have photos of Julia Robertson, please email Kate at the library, kmills@balibrary.org
At one time, Barrington students returned to the Humphrey School on West Algonquin Road near Penny Road. We thank Bernadine Rosenthal for sharing this photo with us. If you have photos to share, please email Kate at the library, kmills@balibrary.org
This was the Spencer Otis round barn at Bakers Lake. Sadly, it was destroyed in a fire 21 years ago in 1997. We thank Sam Oliver and the Citizens for Conservation for sharing this piece of Barrington's history with us. If you have historic items that you would like to preserve, please contact Kate at the library: kmills@balibrary.org.