In a report issued by the Library Journal, the Barrington Area Library has been recognized for exceptional service with a three star rating. The Library Journal issued its national ranking of libraries, the Index of Public Library Service on October 1. The index rates 7,407 public libraries across the nation and awards star ratings for exceptional service. The Barrington Area Library is one of 17 libraries in Illinois and one of 258 libraries nationally to receive the special recognition of a starred rating.
The iindex is based on circulation of library items, patron visits to the library, program attendance and public Internet use and compares libraries across the nation with their peers.
Other area libraries receiving a star rating in addition to the Barrington Area Library include Arlington Heights Memorial Library, Schaumburg Township District Library, Fremont Public Library, the Gail Borden Public Library and the Vernon Area Public Library.
The Barrington Area Library was also recognized last year with a three star rating and an overall score of 888. This year, once again the library earned the three star rating but the overall score increased to 923.
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