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505 N. Northwest Highway
Barrington, IL 60010 • 847.382.1300

Mon-Fri, 9 AM - 9 PM 
Sat, 9 AM - 5 PM | Sun, 1 - 5 PM

Parking Lot Pick-Up Hours:
Mon-Fri, 9 AM - 7 PM 
Sat, 9 AM - 5 PM | Sun, 1 - 5 PM

June 27, 1902


Fourth of July next.

H. Maiman and J. Brand were Chicago visitors Tuesday.

J. F. Grosvenor called on friends in our village Saturday and Sunday.

A large number of our teachers attended the institute at Waukegan this week.

Clarence Hill returned to Chicago Wednesday, after spending a few days with relatives here.

Earl Harrison and Perle Pratt of Chicago came out Monday to spend a two weeks vacation.

Mrs. Asel Stevens and son of Waukegan are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hill.

Herman Maiman and cousin, Miss Mamie Maiman, visited with relatives and friends at Des Plaines the first of the week.

Arthur Graham, who has been spending the past few months in Chicago taking osteopath treatment, returned home Wednesday, greatly improved.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Demicke returned to their home in Chicago Thursday after spending the past two weeks with friends and relatives in our village and vicinity.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jenks Friday morning, June 13 a bouncing 13-pound baby boy. Mother and child are doing nicely and C. E. is the happisnt man in town because it is a boy.

Miss Jennie Brooks entertained several of her friends at her home Thursday evening. Although the pleasure was somewhat marred by the rain, as it was intended to be a lawn party, the guests assembled in the house and spent the evening most enjoyably. Refreshments were served and a most pleasant time is reported.

Ten members of the Woman’s Relief Corps went to Barrington Wednesday to attend the celebration of the Barring W. R. C. flag day. They arrived in Barrington just in time to join in the regular services of the meeting, after which the Flag day exercises were taken up. The affair concluded with refreshments, consisting of coffee, sandwiches, ice cream and cake, to which the Wauconda members did ample justice. They arrived home about 8:30 o’clock without the loss of any gloves or mittens and are high in their praise of the enjoyable entertainment the Barrington Corps afforded them.

Married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr and Mrs. George Ray, at Diamond Lake, Wednesday, June 25, Mr. John Hodge and Miss Ruth Ray, Rev. Anderson of Rockefeller performing the ceremony. Miss Mathilda Mitchell, cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Paul Ray, brother of the bride, acted as groomsman. Only immediate relatives were present and after the conclusion of the ceremony, an elegant banquet was served. Mr. Hodge was formerly a resident here, but for the past two years has acted as principal of the Rockefeller schools, where he has won the esteem of all. Miss Ray is a most esteemable young lady, having taught the Rockefeller primary school for the past year. We wish the young couple a most happy and successful career through life.


Chas Kohl was a Chicago visitor Wednesday.

Jno. Forbes and wife visited at Fox River Monday.

Nick Linden is now assistant in Feddler’s market.

Teddy Ficke is now busy painting the exchange building.

Willis Torrence, of Wauconda, was a caller in this village Tuesday.

Miss Ama Meyer left for Chicago Thursday for a visit with her relatives there.

Chas. Klepper and wife are entertaining relatives from Long Grove this week.

A. W. Worts, traveling auditor of the E. J. & E. R. R., was here Wednesday.

Carl Wewitzer made a lucky catch in the shape of 11 pickerel from the lake Wednesday evening.

Remember the Fourth of July celebration at Barrington will ge a hummer. Come and take part.

A. J. Raymond, of Volo, candidate for county treasurer, was here looking after his interests last Sunday.

Herman Prehm is representing the township of Ela at the republican convention at Peoria this week.

Mrs. Jas. Diamond and family, of Englewood, has moved into their summer residence on the lake shore.

Our marshal, Billie Prehm, has the hoboes on the run. He is determined to rid the town of the bum element.

Gustave Fiedler went to Elgin Monday to stay two weeks, where he is under treatment in the Sherman Hospital at that place.

Mrs. E. A. Ficke and her sister, Mrs. Kenge and children, visited their sister at Hensdale, Ill., Friday and Saturday of last week.

Mott Ford, of Wauconda, stopped in Zurich Wednesday morning on his way home from Florida, where he has been staying for the past year.

The Lake Zurich creamery paid off their patrons on Thursday morning. The average price was $1.11 per hundred lbs. for the month of May, which is considered a good dividend by the farmers.

Our village fathers are talking of passing an ordinance to establish a village dog tax to try and get rid of some of the useless curs that inhabit the village. Let us hope that they succeed.

The barn dance given Saturday evening of last week on the Kaffan farm was well attended by about 60 couple. Bennett and Hill furnished the music and everybody reports a good time.

The children’s picnic held in Grabber’s grove, under the auspices of the German Lutheran church of Fairfield, was well attended. Everything on the program was well received, the speaking was good and the picnic was a success all around.

J. H. Forbes will give a grand dance at the Oak Park pavillion on July 4, 1902. The floor is being put in good shape, and a good Chicago harp orchestra will finish the music, and there will be no misunderstanding about the quiting time of the music. They will play until daylight in the morning, Everybody come.

The entertainment given by the singing society of St. Peters church in the Oak Park pavillion Thursday evening was well attended. Ice cream and cake were served after the program was finished. Pastor Heinrich deserves a great credit for the advancements of the society.

About 700 people witnessed the ball game here Sunday between the Americans and Elgins. It was a good game and honors were even up until the seventh innings, when Hutchison put the Elgins on the bum by smashing out a home run over left field and brought in two more with him. Pitcher Fanning pitched a fine game, and the support given him was good. Next Sunday the Americans vs. Quaker Oats of the Chicago Cereal Co., of Chicago. The QUakers are considered a good team, so we look for another interesting game.


Mr. and Mrs. A. Russell visited in Chicago Saturday.

John Oleson of Geneva visited his sister here, Sunday.

Miss Ivy Dunton has a paying position as singer at Wheaton.

Henry Baker and family are entertaining relatives from Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moon have returned from a visit at Rockford.

Olaf Oleson, employed at Belvidere, spent Sunday with his family here.

Mrs. J. C. Lemke and Miss Tillie Hooker of Cary were visitors Friday.

Mrs. S. H. Harvey spent several days in Elgin at the home of her son, Joseph.

Mrs H. S. Sawyer entertained the Miss Minimum of Elgin Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Grace Baker royally entertained her class in Sunday school Monday afternoon.

Miss Grace Baker will spend her summer vacation at home, instead of at Michigan.

Rev. Kroenkie’s children had the measles instead of scarlet fever, as was reported.

Attend the old-time celebration at Barrington July 4th. All the old features and many new ones.

Jessie Miller of Elgin, formerly of Barrington, is at Sherman hospital, where she has undergone two operations for hernia.

Miss Olga Tolostad was suddenly called to Geneva Tuesday by phone, on account of her mother being badly burned by a gasolene stove.