Business Searching Interface: Access more than 1,150,000 company profiles, company financials, industry profiles, market research, & SWOT analyses.
Business Source Complete: Complete a comprehensive search of over 1,800 trade journals & general business magazines, case studies, and books.
Data Axle: Addresses, phone numbers, officers, and SIC codes for 14 million U. S. businesses.
LexisNexis: This product's name has changed to Nexis Uni. Please see Nexis Uni for the link.
Mergent Intellect: Company, industry, and market information on over 245 million private businesses
Morningstar Research Investment Center: Selection tools and information on stocks and mutual funds.
Nexis Uni: News, business, and legal information including coverage of over 44 million U.S. and international companies, case law, statutes, and regulations, and access to over 1,000 national, regional, and international news publications.
Small Business Source: A collection of state-specific resources with demographic data and other information to meet the needs of small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Standard & Poor's CapitalIQ: Business and investment information with full-text of S&P's Industry Surveys; Stock and Mutual Fund Reports; The Outlook and more.
Value Line: Information and analysis on stocks and mutual funds.
Wall Street Journal (Current): Access the Wall Street Journal online with your computer, tablet or phone. Follow the link, sign up for an account and enjoy 72 hours of access. When the temporary credentials expire, re-authenticate by clicking the link and sign-in with your credentials. Back issues available for the the past four years. The WSJ app and WSJ+ Events are not included.
Weiss Financial Ratings: Rates stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, banks, credit unions, insurance companies, and provides financial literacy tools and a Medigap tool that allows you to compare many Medicare supplement insurance premiums.
Adult Learning Center: Resume review and live tutoring sessions from trained adult education instructors.
Data Axle: ReferenceUSA has a new name! Addresses, phone numbers, officers, and SIC codes for 14 million U. S. businesses.
Gale Courses: Barrington Area Library cardholders can enroll in courses ranging from beginning drawing to accounting & finance. Courses are offered once a month, span 6 weeks, and are led by an expert instructor who will be responsive to each student's learning needs. New sessions begin every six weeks.
LinkedIn Learning: Barrington Area Library cardholders now have access to premier technology, business, and management videos. With over 16,000 video courses taught by experts in their fields, you will find tutorials on QuickBooks, Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite, CAD, 3D printing and more! Tablet/Mobile: To access the app, download from your app marketplace, choose sign in, 'sign in with your library card.' Enter balibrary as the library ID, then login with your library card number and PIN.
LexisNexis: This product's name has changed to Nexis Uni. Please see Nexis Uni for the link.
Mergent Intellect: Company, industry, and market information on over 245 million private businesses
NexisUni: News, business, and legal information including coverage of over 44 million U.S. and international companies, case law, statutes, and regulations, and access to over 1,000 national, regional, and international news publications.