FAQs are Frequently Asked Questions. We'll use this page to answer questions we've heard from patrons regarding our renovation project.
Q: When is the library renovation scheduled for completion?
A: While we do not know the exact date, the library renovation project is currently running on schedule and is due to be completed in May of 2014.
Q: That light fixture in the new stair tower is...not appropriate.
A: We know. It is merely a temporary fixture, there to provide some light until the permanent fixture is installed. Speaking of temporary - the carpeting in the new elevator is also temporary, as the correct carpeting is on backorder.
Q: The new first floor restrooms are very hard to find.
A: Right now, that is indeed true! In coming weeks, all of the book shelves that block your way to those restrooms will be removed. Eventually, those restrooms will be conveniently located in the new Youth Services department.
Q: When will the elevator be back in service?
A: The new elevator should be in service on Monday, October 14. We'll keep you posted.
Q: What's going on in the parking lot these days?
A: The digging work you see in the parking lot is preparation for a long-requested library service: a drive-up return for books and other library materials. Rather than needing to stop in front of the library building and get out of your vehicle, you'll turn into the parking lot and be able to drive right up to the drop box. Safer and more convenient for everyone! Watch for the new return in late summer/early fall.
The new book/material return being delivered to the library.
Q: Will all of the library's services and materials be available during construction?
A: We're working hard to keep as many services and materials available. Our public meeting rooms are not available, because we needed the space as a temporary home for DVDs, new books and more. The Media Lab is temporarily closed, but the equipment is still available in the Adult Services computing area.
It will be necessary to store a few things off-site during the construction, such as: a number of items for children, like theme kits, music CDs, a small selection of board books and out-of-season holiday picture books, as well as the library's piano. All of these items will return when their permanent location in the renovated library is ready for them.
Q: When will the project be completed? Will the library close down during the construction process?
A: If the work goes according to schedule, we hope to invite you to the newly renovated library in the late Spring/early Summer of 2014. We are working carefully with our construction management team to keep the library open during all regular service hours. Some work is being done in the morning, before we open, or after hours, in order to provide the highest level of service possible to you, our patrons.
Q: Will there be public meeting rooms in the renovated library? Will there be display cases?
A: Yes, there will be public meeting rooms in the renovated building. In fact, one part of the revitalization project is improving those rooms, since they are some of our most used services. New furniture and improved acoustic separation will be some of the highlights of the new meeting rooms.
No, we will no longer have display cases in the library. Since the library is being renovated but not enlarged, tough decisions had to be made about space. In order to create a more open, inviting floor plan, wall space for items like display cases had to be eliminated. We will continue to offer other services, like the online community calendar and the electronic community information screen, so that local organizations can promote their events to our community.
Q: Why is Adult Services moving upstairs? Why is Youth Services moving downstairs?
A: Many services for adults, like movies, music, and computers, will remain on the first floor. In fact, popular materials for children and adults will be displayed in one area, so families can enjoy browsing for entertainment together. Our very popular public meeting rooms will remain on the first floor. Our new business and technology work centers are intended primarily for adults/young adults and those will be on the first floor.
The Adult Services print collection (books) will move upstairs so that Youth Services can move downstairs to better accommodate the needs of parents/caregivers with young children. Safety and convenience for families and children is the primary reason Youth Services is moving to the first floor. More good news: the elevator is being replaced to meet current codes, so adults who cannot use the stairs will have a safe ride to the second floor.
Our department heads brought many ideas and suggestions to our architectural team, who then found the best possible place for each department within the building.
Q: Is the library getting rid of its book collections?
A: We understand that the sight of many empty book shelves in a library can be confusing. Here's what we have been doing.
* A thorough weeding of our current book and media collections. "Weeding" is an ongoing process that takes place at every library. Librarians examine materials and "weed out" items that are obsolete, damaged or simply no longer as popular as they once were. If libraries did not weed, they would quickly run out of space on their shelves, because new items are always being added. We felt it was in our best interest to undertake a thorough weeding before construction began, to prevent the work of moving items around that are no longer needed.
* Shifting of our collections. "Shifting" is another library term that means moving items around on the shelves. In our case, we are making great efforts to consolidate items more closely together on our shelves. This effort, combined with weeding, has resulted in many empty shelves on the library's first floor. Those shelves can then be removed, to free up space so construction work can begin.
We assure you we will have plenty of books available during the renovation, we will continue to purchase new books well into the future, and we look forward to sharing them with you in our newly-remodeled building.