Mr. Detlev Pansch
Executive Director
Barrington Public Library District
Barrington Area Library
505 N. Northwest Highway
Barrington, IL 60010
By authority of the Board of Trustees, responses to this Invitation to Bid will be received until 1:00 p.m., prevailing time, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, by the Board of Trustees of the Barrington Public Library District, for the Barrington Area Library Main Facility Renovation Project. This Invitation to Bid applies to the following bid packages:
BP #02A- Excavation/Site Development, BP #02C- Asphalt Paving, BP #02F- Select Demolition, BP #03- Building/Site Concrete, BP #04- Masonry, BP #05- Structural & Misc. Steel, BP #06A- Carpentry & General Trades, BP #06B- Custom/Manufactured Casework, BP #07- Roofing & Metal Trim, BP #08- Storefront/Glass Railings/Glazing, BP #09A- Framing/Drywall, BP #09B- Acoustical Ceilings, BP #09C- Wall Tile/Flooring, BP #09D- Painting/Wall Finishes, BP #010- Operable Partitions, BP #021- Fire Protection, BP #022- Plumbing, BP #023- HVAC- BP #026- Electrical/Low Voltage Systems, BP #027- Technology
Responses shall be submitted on or before the specified closing time in an opaque sealed envelope marked as noted within the Bidding Documents on the outside and addressed to: Mr. Detlev Pansch, Executive Director, Barrington Public Library District, Barrington, IL. Responses are to be delivered to the Barrington Area Library, 505 N. Northwest Highway, Barrington, IL. Bids will be opened and read aloud on March 26, 2013, 1:00 p.m., at the Barrington Area Library.
A pre-bid meeting of the project is scheduled for Monday, March 18, 2013 at 1:00 a.m. at the Library. Though the pre-bid is not mandatory, bidders are strongly encouraged to attend. It is mandatory for those contractors bidding the HVAC bid package.
Bid security in the form of a bid bond or certified check made payable to the Board of Library Trustees, Barrington Public Library District equal to 10% of the base bid amount shall be submitted with the bid. Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds, and Certificate of Insurance will be required from the successful bidder.
The Board of Trustees of the Barrington Public Library District reserves the right to reject any or all documents submitted or parts thereof, to waive any irregularities or informalities in the prequalification procedures and to approve trade contractors to bid in a manner serving the interest of the Barrington Public Library District.
All bidders must comply with the applicable Illinois Law requiring the payment of prevailing wages by all contractors working on public projects, and bidders must comply with the Illinois Statutory requirements regarding labor and bidding, including Equal Opportunity Laws.
Bidding documents which include Construction Manager’s Bid Manual, Architects Project Manual, and Project Plans will be on file and may be obtained by bidding contractors on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 after 2:00 p.m., for electronic distribution through B&L Blueprint (630-594-5210). PLEASE CALL IN ADVANCE FOR AVAILABILITY. Copies of prints, specifications, etc. can be obtained through B&L Blueprint. All costs associated with additional copies will be borne by the bidding contractor. Documents may also be viewed via our ftp site at The documents can be found in the Public Job section on the left hand side.
Mr. Detlev Pansch
Executive Director
Barrington Public Library District
Barrington Area Library
505 N. Northwest Highway
Barrington, IL 60010