North side of East Main Street, just east of Route 14, Barrington. Cuba Township, Lake County, Illinois. Maintained by St. Paul United Church of Christ.
Transcription, Arnett C. Lines, 1943; Cathy Trawinski, 1999
1st row, ___side, So. to No.
Jakuholz, Carl, 12/26/1836-2/28/1889
Schick, Louisa, Died, 6/21/1881. Age, 33 yr., 2 mo., 20 d. Geb. Wessel She was sister to ____ & Aug. Wessel
Schick, Phillip, Died, 4/17/1876. Age. 39, 7-9. Gar. COE 113 Ill. Inf.
Meyer, David, Born, 9/14/1833. Died, 5/9/1907. Gar. Co. I.52 Ill. Inf. Small man. Went blind when old. Lived in __East of C. & NW & Castle Rd. Son Hy. F.W. He was ½ brother to Fritz Meyer
Hannah, his wife. Born. 11/29/1842. Died, 10/4/1913.
Meyer, Fritz, Born, 4/28/1839. Father and mother of T.J. Dockery. He was brother to __Aug. Krueger. She is sister to Mrs. Dorothy Brasel.
Gattiu, Louise Seine, Born, 7/23/1843. Died, 4/30/1916. Kahterine Heinrich Emilie Graszmutter. On same lot. & monument is: Friedrich Rook 1801-1874 bd-Dmoelle? Christine June Gattiu 1811-1884. Emilie Meyer-1868-1890. Katherine Meyer 1866-1873. Heinrich Meyer 1870-1872. Emilie was 1st wife of Chas. Wolf. Graszmutter Rook was mother to Louisa Meyer and to Dorothy Brasel (Fred Sr.). Fred Rook is the grandfather or father to the 2.
Reese, August, Born, 10/26/1834. Died, 10/22/1902. Brother to Hy Fred H. Father of Herman, Louis, ida, Ernst, Louise Wai
Mary, wife of. Born, 5/8/1850. Died, 9/9/1913. Mary Reese was Mary Law of Gieske family and worked for Friend Boss in the store.
William Wm. M Homer girl and dau Eunice lived with Wm. Gottschalk
Gottschalk, William A., Born, 1886. Died, 1942. Carpenter-son of Aug. Gottschalk.
Anna L., his wife, Behrens. Born, 1888. Died, 19--. Anna L. is dau of Aug. & Mary Reese.
George, Born, 1857. Died, 1940.
Caroline, Born, 1871. Died, 19--. Carrie is dau of Aug. & Mary Reese.
Frick, Ulrich, Born, 2/20/1820. Died, 3/21/1885. Father of Emil, Harry, Rob & Chas. Ran a cheese factory on the creek & S.W. cor. Of Paster-Buckley Rd. & White School, Cuba Rd. Farm on N.E. cor. Swiss(?).
Barbara M., Born, 9/1/1837. Died, 6/6/1912. (Gattiu Von Ulrick Frick)
Emil Frick, Born, 1879. Died, 1928. Son. Line and schedule man for C.R.I. & P. Ry.
Rose Frick, Born, 1879. Died, 1939. Wf. Of Emil.
Harriet (?), Died, ?4/25/1911,
Charles Wilt, Born, 1861. Died, 1938. Signal man for C & N.W. Ry. Brot. John & C. His wife who was dau of E.K. Law & sister of Mary Reese, Hy Law, Palatine, Louis Wilt & cousin of Tom Frieske.
Carrie Wilt, Born, 1863. Died, 19--.
Sophia Wilt, Born, 1837. Died, 1924. Mother.
Caroline S., Died, 5/18/1867. Age. 26 yr., 9 mo. Wf. Of D.H. Haeger, dau of H. & E. Reese. Sister of Aug., Fred & Hy Reese.
Robert D., Died, 1/1/1868. Age, 9 mo., 10 d. Son of D. & C. Haeger.
Marion, Born, 1912. Died, 1917. (no other name on stone)
Ludwig Meyer, Born, 4/30/1835. Died, 11/12/1911. Father & mother of Aug. WI Carl, Hy H. Calle "Luabein" Lall, erect big--. Casemaker. Last shop in B.W.S. store.
Charlotte, Born, 3/21/1839. Died, 9/4/1883. Wf. Of.
Willie, Born, 9/12/1872. Died, 9/21/1873. Son of L. & S. Meyer.
Sandman, Henry C.P., Born, 6/30/1830. Died, 6/30/1907. Father and mo. Of Fred, Wm., Louis, Hy & Mrs. Facle. Retired famrer. Lived 1st of telephone. Interested in Breweries & Ch. W. Yeast Co. Partner of Grand-in old bank J Dubash. Jarodman & Co. Later Qet State Pool.
Anna, Born, 11/4/1830. Died, 2/1/1912. His wife.
Sandman, Henry A., Born, 2/26/1860. Died, 9/23/1899. Policeman. Shot one eve. On No. Cook "by our unknown revolver."
Stark, Anna M.E., Died, 10/29/1863. Age, 7 yr. 7 mo.
Stark, Mienke, Died, 1/1/1865. Age, 7 mo. 7 days.
Ursula M., Died, 5/30/1864. Age, 31 yr., 6 mo. Wf. Of G. Heimerdinger. 1st wf. Of Gotlieb H. who was harnessmaker before & sold out to Emil Schaede. Lived E. Main N.W. co. Father of Fred. Chas. Ed. & Geo. He married again & died-Calif.
Beinhoff, Marie, Born, 1843. Died, 1924. Mother of some boys & aunt to Al. Ulitsch. Probably mother of Mr. Beinhoff.
Beinhoff, Frederich G., Born, 1843. Died, 1913. Father of Fred.Hy. Chas. & Lydia. Shart. Store. E. maur(?) lived on Hill across--.
Huff, Pasto(?), (broken off).
Huff, Hanna, Born, 8/9/1845. Died, 5/7/1872. Rine(?) Gelb. Hofenbract. Ericheu Gert. Ev. Johannie. Samuel Herman John & C. Born, 5/19/1871. Died, 3/18/1872.
Hilda, Born, 2/28/1899. Died, 8/17/1899, Dau. Of Rev. Pefred & Anna Menzel.
Hinsche, August, Born, 1801. Died, 1882. Uncle to Wm. Meister. Owned & lived in N.E. cor No. Hawley & E.ufaiu after 1861 after Gar. Loguehieke did.
Hinsche, Wilhelmine, Born, 4/7/1811. Died, worn off.
Schumacher, Henry, Born, 1860. Died, 1932.
Schumacher, Eruso, Born, 1869. Died, 1926.
Elsie, Born, 1900. Died, 1913. Dau.
Baumann, Albert E., Born, 1889. Died, 1932.
Baumann, Lydia L., Born, 1893. Died, 19--.
Harry, Born, 1923. Died, 1924. Son.
Ricke, Wilhelmine, Born, 12/24/1810. Died, 5/20/1885. Age, 74- 4/26.
Ricke, Johann, Born, 12/24/1810. Died, 10/27/1881. Age. 86 yr., 10 mo. 28 d. Sausage.
Rieke, Heinrich J.F., Born, 4/14/1877. Died, 6/20/1892.
Rieke, Christian, Born, 1839. Died, 1928.
Minnie, Born, 1852. Died, 1924. His wf.
Jurs, Johann, Born, 1/14/1855. Died, 3/18/1929. Father of Albert, Martin & C. Farmer of Hawley farm, cor. Of 63 & Dundee Wheeling Rd.
Sophin, Sine Gottin, Born, 4/9/1860. Died, 7/9/1903.
Rieke, Fred W., Born, 1875. Died, 1922.
Rieke, Mabel, Born, 1909. Died, 1914.
Begin 2nd row, No. to So.</3>
Schenning, Joe, Born, 1846. Died, 1917. Father. Mason, tender & laborer. Small man.
Schenning, Reka, Born, 1844. Died, 1879. Mother.
Schenning, Ernest, Born, 1871. Died, 1937. Father.
Schenning, Ted, Born, 1874. Died, 1927.
Schenning, Ella, Born, 1884. Died, 1926. Mother.
Schenning, Emma, Born, 1892. Died, 1895. Sister.
Reuter, Henry, Born, 1842. Died, 1916. Tall, fine man. Looked like Abe Lincoln. Always took that part in local plays, Farmer out South. GAR Co. E. 113 Ill. Inf.
Reuter, William, Age, 3 yrs. 1 mo. Our baby.
Reuter, Louise, Born, 1802. Died, 1890. His mother.
Reuter, Caroline, Our baby.
Reuter, Conrad, Born, 1802. Died, 1889. His father.
Reuter, Friederike, Born, 1848. Died, 1921. His wife.
Hokemeyer, Emma, Born, 6/21/1879. Died, 9/20/1879.
Hokemeyer, Erina (or Alvina), Born, 1860. Died, 1881.
Hokemeyer, Ella, Born, 1/25/1881. Died, 6/28/1881.
Pjusching, August, Born, 10/18/1818. Died, 4/25/1873.
Westphal, Minnie, Born, 1861. Died, 1936.
Miester, Wm., Born, 2/28/1831. Died, 6/9/1902. Farmer. Father of Wm. Minnie H. 1st Bertha, Bart.
Sophia A., Born, 11/1/1827. Died, 3/22/1891. Wf. Of Wm. Meister. 2nd wf. Of Wm. Sr. as the widow Belafeld, mother of Fred.
Loose, Louise, Died, 7/5/1870. Age, 35 yr., 5 mo., 19d. 1st wf. Of Wm. Sr. above & mother of Wm. On E. Main. (He is buried between wfs).
Freddie, Born, 10/2/1889. Died, 2/5/1890. Son of F & B Miester.
Langenheim, Heinrich, Died, 8/16/1892. Age, 75 yr., 5 mo. Born in 1817. Cuba Settlement near his farm was at one time called Langenheim. C & NW had a milk platform there & 2 trains daily.
Langenheim, Johanna, Died, 12/15/1871. Age, 62 yr., 2 mo.
Kirmse, Louise, Minna, Clara
Kirmse, Julius V., Born, 1832. Died, 1915. Was a coppersmith before 1890. Fire on No. Railroad St. Barrington.
Kirmse, Wilhelmina, Born, 1837. Died, 1904. She was a Langenheim girl.
Kirmse, Henry, Born, 1864. Died, 19--. Henry of North Ave. B-a painter. Parents of Mrs. EarlHatje & --.
Kirmse, Louise, Born, 1874. Died, 1938.
Kurhalz, Carl, Born, 2/26/1822. Died, 3/21/1876. In Schintenberg, Preussen. Blacksmith. Shop was on No. Hough(E. side of Hough). Back of the brick block & so. Of C & NW. Stepfather of Leopold Krahu(see map).
Henry, Died, 4/17/1868. Age, 12 yrs.? Son of C & C. Kurhalz.
G.A.R. stone: Chas Kurthalz
Co. A. 2nd Ill. L.A.
Hertz, Joachim, Born, 6/19/1828. Died, 5/7/1906. (note the spelling of names. Father of Christ. Hartz.)
Hartz, Elisabeth, Born, 3/29/1842. Died, 8/19/1915. Wife of J. Hartz.
Johnson, Christina M., Died, 12/27/1868. Age, 32 yr. 9 mo.Wf. of Fred Johnson.
Johnson, Frederic, Died, 10/16/1873. Age, 45 yr., 11 mo., 24 d.
Haker, Maria, Died, 3/9/1871(worn). 29 yr.,9 mo., 27 d. Wf. Of Fred Johnson.
Willie, son of F & F. Johnson.
Anna S., Died, 11/10/1873. Age, 40 yr., 1 mo., 5 d.(worn). Wf. Of Henry Johnson.
Lohman, Henry, Born, 1839. Died, 1918. Father of Carrie Barbaras.
Lohman, Louise, Born, 1840. Died, 1919.
G.A.R. Stone: Fred K. Lohman. Co. B. 51 Ill. Inf.
Lohman, Ernst, Born, 3/7/1806. Died, 9/15/1874.
Harvey, Born, 1917. Died, 1918.
Lloyd L., Born, 1914. Died, 1920.
Reese, Frederick H., Born, 1/21/1838. Died, 8/23/1898. Father and mother of Chas. Mich. Backer. Brother to Aug. Hy. & Conrad.
Johanna D., Born, 8/22/1848. Died, 8/3/1908. His wife.
Reese, Henry, Died, 5/6/1870. Age, 67 yr., 9 mo., 11 d. Grandfather to Mrs. Nick Baecher and father of Hy(1830-1904), Conrad, Aug and Fred.
Marie Elisabeth, Born, 1/6/1800(worn). Died, 11/2/1889. Age, 89 (9/27).
Gottin von H.W. Reese. Mother of same boys.
Baecher, Nicholas, Born, 1866. Died, 1940. Carpenter. Lived on North Ave.
Baecher, Anna S., Born, 1869. Died, 19--. His wife. Parents of Mrs. Fred Hager.
Schulz, Peter, Born, 10/30/1832. Died, 6/17/1911. G.A.R. Stone: Col. 52 Ill. Inf. Lived E. Side of So. Hough between Lincoln and R. Retired farmer.
Mary, Born, 10/12/1841. Died, 11/28/1896. His wf.
Schulz, Anna D., Died, 7/26/1870(worn).
Gruber, Annie Sophie, Born, 1811(worn-looks like). Died, 1879.
Herman, Carl Ludwig, Born, 9/4/1814. Died, 5/21/1894. Age, 79 yr., 8 mo., 17 d. Farmer of Kelsey Rd. W. of 59.
Gruber, Charles J., Born, 1842. Died, 1921.
Gruber, Matilda J., Born, 1860. Died, 1924.
Gruber, Charles W., Born, 1881. Died, 1935.
Pepper, Louis, Born, 12/24/1912. Died, 8/11/1913.
Gilly, Louis, Born, 3/15/1825. Died, 6/18/1887. Father of Hy & Dan & Carrie & Mrs. Hy Rieke & C.
Gilly, Eliza, Born, 7/18/1825. Died, 2/1/1904. Mother of Hy & Dan & Carrie & Mrs. Hy Rieke & C.
Gilly, Louis H., Born, 3/16/1882. Died, 5/17/1904.
Gilly, Wilhelmina, Born, 1856 ? Died, 1904.
Gilly, Henry, Born, 1853. Died, 1936. Parents of Mrs. Chas. Miller & Henry, son of Louis above.
Meier, Scharlotte, Born, 12/24/1849. Died, 7/15/1936. Wf. Of Heinrich A. Meier.
Meier, Heinrich, Born, 2/18/1843. Died, 11/19/1922.
Law, Bertha P., Born, 12/5/--. Died, 5/14/1922. Wf. Of C.H. Meier.
Mildred, Born, 1/1/19--. Died, 4/20/1900. Dau. Of Chas. H. & Bertha Meier.
Begin 3rd row from W. side, So. to No.
Berg, Caroline, Born, 1863. Died, 1936.
Altenberg, Terese, Born, 1880. Died, 1930.
Altenberg, August, Born, 1862. Died,--.
Blum, Mathilda, Born, Aug. 18, 1848. Died, Jan. 9, 1914. Nee Muller.
Miller, Carl, Born, 6/12/1834. Died, 3/20/1914. Father. ½ brother to Gustave J. Krueger. (Father of Ann Wichman).
Miller, Caroline, Born, 12/2/1842. Died, 5/3/1893. Mother. Nee Koss.
Miller, John, Born, 1890. Died, 1890.
Miller, Albert, Born, 1874. Died, 1888.
Miller, Fritz, Born, 1872. Died, 1897.
Miller, Maria, Born, 1898. Died, 1898.
Miller, Isrina(?), Born, 1901. Died, 1901.
Miller, Geo. Wm., "Prvt.U.S. Army 11-5-1936." Son Of Carl. Lived with Geo. Lageschulte after his mother died. His wife was Celia.
Kalberer, Franz, Born, 1832. Died, 1922. Lived in Kincaid Hs. E. of St. P. Cemetery.
Kalberer, Elizabeth, Born, 1842. Died, 1906. She was mother of Lucy Jacobs Reese by her first husband.
Hochkirch, Thomas, Died, 3/26/1862. Age, 52 yrs. Tinner on E. Main, Lake Co. side. Sold out to D.F. Schroeder Siewap.
Emerson, Olie, Born, 1894. Died, 19--.
Emerson, Ello, Born, 1902. Died, 1938.
Emerson, Ola, Pvt. ICL M. Corps 7/8/1940 (war stone).
Schumacher, Wm. O., Born, 1868. Died, 19--.
Schumacher, Dorothea, Born, 1866. Died, 19--.
Schumacher, Geo., Born, 1891. Died, 1937. Son.
Wehling, William, Born, 8/19/1810. Died, 8/26/1876.
Rohlmeier, William, Born, 1821. Died, 1888. Farmer on Old Dundee R.E. of E.J.& E. Ry. Father of Aug. Hy & C.
Rohlmeier, Hattie, Born, 1840. Died, 1905.
Rohlmeier, William, Born, 1868. Died, 1938. A wonderfully fine man.
Rohlmeier, Charles, Born, 1870. Died, 1928.
Stover, Christian, Born, 1860. Died, 1937.
Stover, Louise, Born, 1855. Died, 19--.
Stover, Christ., Born, 1880. Died, 19--.
Stover, Mary, Born, 1887. Died, 1937.
Mavis, August, Born, 1862. Died, 1936. Farmer on Kelsey Rd. W. of 59.
Mavis, Anna, Born, 1868. Died, 19--.
Mavis, Leroy, Born, 5/3/1909. Died, 9/12/1910.
Wiemuth, Fay, Born, 8/2/1910. Died, 9/15/1910.
Mavis, Kenneth H., Born, 1927. Died, 1927. Son of A. & A. Mavis.
Miller, Mina C., Born, 1853. Died, 1931.
Miller, Aug. C., Born, 1853. Died, 19--.
Kuhlman, Gottlieb, Born, 1/24/1849. Died, 7/4/1931. Farmer. No. of Grass Lake on Miller Rd.
Kuhlman, Paulinia, Born, 1/17/1857. Died, 6/27/1927.
August, Died, 1893.
Ludwig, Died, 1889.
Heinrich, Died, 1878.
Johanna, Died, 1877.
Kuhlman, Gottlieb, Born, 8/30/1815. Died, 9/3/1871.
Kuhlman, Charlotte, Born, 7/20/1821. Died, 6/22/1909.
Neumann, Gottfried, Born, 1830. Died, 1908. Little man, farmer back of Honey lake School.
Wilhelmina, Born, 1853. Died, 1917. His wf. (Geb) Mengersen. Dau. Of Hy. F. & sister to Mrs. John Wolthausen
Neumann, Pvt. C.H., Born, 1889. Died, 1918. (World War 1 stone). Co. G. 332 M.G. BM. 86 Div. Died in England.
Mengersen, Henry F., Born, 5/21/1821. Died, 10/10/1870. Father of Geo. Hy Mary Wolthausen & Minnie Kuhlman.
Mengersen, Elisabeth, Born, 8/16/1821. Died, 9/10/1894. Nee Hilger. Sister to Wm. & Ed. Peters.
Wilemuth, Wilhelmine, Born, 1877. Died, 1932. Mother.
Miller, Chas. J., Born, 5/21/1848. Died, 6/21/1909.
Miller, Mary, Born, 5/23/1859. Parents of Louis, Geo. Chas., Rob. & C.
Herman, Died, 1/22/1888. Age, 5, 1/8.
Eddie, Died, 1/27/1888. Age 2, 10/12.
Miller, Johann C., Born, 1/27/1815. Died, 1/26/1879.
Miller, Caroline Marie, Born, 1/16/1818. Died, 7/16/1897.
Minnie Mary, Died, 8/13/1881. Age 1, 8--.
Miller, Herman, Died, 1888(worn).
Miller, Johann T., Born, 1/27/1815. Died, 1/26/1879.
Roggen, Caroline Dorothea, Born, 2/16/1800(worn). Died, 12/9/1871.
Raclow, Father, Born, 1853. Father is Chas. E. Wash. St. B—Retired farmer. Father of Fred, M., Jack, M & by & C.
Raclow, Mother, Born, 1853. Died, 1932.
Raclow, John, Born, 1874. Died, 1918.
Bedurske, John, Born, 1853. Died, 1936.
Bedurske, Augusto, Born, 1858. Died, 1951.
Langenheiser, Alina Clara, Born, 8/11/1877(worn). Died, 9/24/1892.
Langenheiser, Louis C., Born, 1844. Died, 1918. Brother to Mrs. Julius V. Kirmse.
Katherine, Born, 1851. Died, 1896. His wife.
Schwemm, Joseph, Born, 10/23/1824. Died, 4/6/1880. Parents of Herma, Joh, Aug., Ida. See "Village Album."Farmed it on Cor of Sutton & Otis Rds.
Schwemm, Julia, Born, 1/9/1836. Died, 2/27/1884. "Also our Grandfather and Grandmother."
Anna, Born, 2/7/1864. Died, 1/13/1880
"2 infant sons"
Father Chas. J. Born, 1874. Died, 1939.
Mother Louise E., Born, 1888. Died, 19--.
Heinrich F. Rieck, Born, 2/2/1848. Died, 3/29/1901. Vater von 9 kinder. A big framed man with a black beard. Section boss of C & NW Ry.
Seine Getter
Louise geb Markwadt, Born, 12/10/1852. His wife. See sketch of her in Germany by Wm. Gottschalk
Heinrich C., Born, 10/7/1875. Died, 6/3/1900. Sox. Freight brakeman for C & NW Ry.
Erdmunda, Born, 6/12/1878. Died, 1/1/1882.
Alwina Naggatz, geb Rieck, Born, 1/13/1881. Died, 5/22/1901. (her headstone spell it "Alvina") In my class in grade school.
Meier, Mina geb Reuter, Born, 12/6/1841(worn). Died, 1/30/1877.
Gossell, Johann G., Born, 10/8/1825. Died, 4/6/1908. Age, 82 yr. 5 mo., 9 d.
Gossell, Mina M., Born, 9/22/1832. Died, 10/15/1921. Age, 89 yr., 4 mo., 2 d.
Wolfe, Born, 1875. Died, 19--. Mother Carrie.
Father Charles, Born, 1865. Died, 1940. Brother to Fred, Joh, Hy & C. Called "Shorty."
Winkler, Father Henry J., Born, 1861. Died, 1936. Farmer. Tenor voice.
Mother Sophia M., Born, 1870. Died, 1940.
Anna, Born, 1888. Died, 1916. Wf. Of Herman Ebel.
Winkler, Esther, Born, 1903. Died, 1903.
Schultz, Carl, Born, 11/3/1848. Died, 5/5/1912.
Caroline, Born, 8/6/1844. Died, 3/28/1917. His wife. Geb Rigi.
Rigi, Henriette, Died, 12/6/1897. Geb. Crugel. These graves are on same lot with Cwaefe. "Gros Zmutter."
Davis, Robert, Born,1917. Died, 1925.
Gossell, Minnie, Born, 8/21/1899. Died, 10/6/1908. (on Gossell lot above)
E. of Center Drive
Hartz, Louis, Born, 5/5/1881. Died, 12/30/1889.
Son of S.H. & M. Smith, Born, 5/17/1887. Died, 9/29/1887.
Braesel, Amelia, Died, 8/7/1873. Age, 2 yr., 5 mo., 11 d. Young sister of Joh, Hy & Fred Braesel (error in spelling on stone, John says)
Seethoff, Died, 12/17/1870. Age, 7 mo. John Seethoff was a carpenter and built the old Dutch Mill on South Hough St. Hill across from Standpipe. Geo. Froelich ran it.
Rieck, Minna, Born, 5/23/1877. Died, 6/16/1877
Mother Jahnke, Sophie, Born, 1832. Died, 1910. Wife of Johann & mother of John, Chas.
Brother Herman Jahnke, Born, 1874. Died, 1879.
Martha, Age, 6 mo. Dau. Of H. & G. Weise
Kirmse, Herman, no date
Krueger, Wilhelm, Born, 12/21/1897. Died, 1/14/1898.
Hartjen, Anna
Hartjen, Ernest
Son Roy Schumacher, Born, 1898. Died, 1900. Empty(?) lot 1 grave unmarked
Gottschalk, August C., Born, 11/9/1853. Died, 10/5/1927. Retired farmer, father of Wm., Louis, Max & C. Kept one of the neatest farm yards I ever saw.
Friederike, Born, 10/15/1851. Died, 6/10/1929. His wife. Geb Thesenfitz.
Carl G.
Max H.
Elfrink, Robert L., Died, 4/3/1922.
Reuter, Christ F., Born, 1897. Died, 1912. (Eight graves and no markers. Monument only).
Reese, Heinrich, Born, 4/26/1830. Died, 5/3/1904. Father of Fred, carl, Jim, Beth, Chas. Hy. Miller & C.
Friederike, Born, 9/9/183-. Died, 4/20/1912. His wife.
Sophie, Born, 1875. Died, 19--. Mother.
Friederich, Born, 1865. Died, 1938. Father.
Krueger, Gustav J., Born, 1838. Died, 1916. Father of Mrs. Ed. Wickman & C. Wagonmaker on Lake Co. Side. Section of St. Pauls ok.
Krueger, Johanna C., Born, 1846. Died, --.Mother of same. See picture & record-Lvil. alC.
Albert J., Born, 1868. Died, 1937.
Alma A., Born, 1888. Died, 1904.
Hartjen, Lite
Hartjen, Arthur
Beth, Friedericke, Born, 8/2/1872. Died, 12/25/1912. Wife of Frank Beth. Dau. Of Hy Reese. Sister of Fred. Went to school with John Braesel.
Beth, Ruth, Born, 12/9/1900. Died, 8/30/1905.
Kuhl, Fred H., Born, 2/21/1847. Died, 6/30/1909. Mrs. Frank Haink’s father.
Kuhl, Caroline, Born, 8/31/1850. Died, 12/17/1912.
Laube, August, Born, 1837. Died, 1919. Parents of Mrs. Bertha(Frank) Haink. (22 & 59 sw cor). Clara (Hy) Wiese, Hilda (Aug) Krueger & Mrs. Sonneberg. Once on E. Ry. St.
Justine, Born, 1840. Died, 1911. His wife.
Haink, Frank, Born, 1873. Died, 1923. Bought Wm. Meister farm. Sw cor. 22 & 59.
Zbierske, Matilda, Born, 1873. Died, 1929. Wife.
Haink, Violet, Born, 1873. Died, 1923. Mrs. Frank Haink’s father was Fred Kuhl, 1847-1909.
Wiese, Henry, Born, 1861. Died, 1923. Husband.
Adams, Louis, Born, 1856. Died, 1939.
Mary, Born, 1860. Died, 1919. His wife.
Adams, Edwin, Born, 1916. Died, 1920.
Adams, August, Born, 1887. Died, 1922.
Minnie, Born, 1890. Died, 19--. Mother.
Andrew F., Born, 1884. Died, 1941. Father, Retired. Dundee Ave.
Nielsen, Christ, Born, 1882. Died, 1942.
Hartrick, John G., Born, 1877. Died, 1927. Laborer. Father.
Sophia, Born, 1878. Died, 1929. His wife. Mother. Sophie Prigle.
Kuhfahl, Fred, Born, 1859. Died, 1929. Retired farmer. Very small man.
Schumacher, Sophie, Born, 1871. His wife.
Berger, Henry, Born, 9/12/1861. Died, 10/27/1925. Father of Paul. Worked with me in old foundry. Lived NW corner of 22 & 59.
Hedwig, Born, 7/1/1863. Died, 3/22/1917. Wife of Henry Berger.
Walbaum, August, Born, 10/23/1823. Died, 10/11/1901.
Gustine, Born, 2/15/1835. Died, 7/13/1903. His wife.
Jahnke, Carl, Born, 1862. Died, 1922.
Alvina, Born, 1868. His wife.
Wegner, Johann, Born, 9/21/1869. Died, 7/26/1897.
Friedrich, Wilhelm
Johann, no date
Meyer, J.Z. (?), Born, 4/6/1823. Died, 4/20/1910.
Catherine, Born, 2/12/1828. Died, 3/13/1903. His wife.
Meyer, Albert, Born, 1895. Died, 1895 worn.
Meyer, Minnie, Born, 1868. Died, 1933?
George, Born, 1860. Died, 19--.
Charles, Born, 1852. Died, 1930. Father.
Henrietta, Born, 1869. Died, 1939. His wf.
Ahlgrim, Martha, Born, 3/31/1890. Died, 1/9/1916.
Ahlgrim, Wilhelmine, Born, 4/23/1852. Died, 6/26/1903. Geb. Kroger.
Mary, Born, 1863. Died, 1898. Wife of Wm. C. Heinshon.
Juers, Friederike, Born, 1812. Died, 12/27/1897.
Hacker, Wilhelm, Born, 11/15/1853 (worn). Died, 1/25/1891.
Jacobs, Selma, Born, 1877. Died, 1878.
Meyer, John C., Died, 7/2/1880. Age, 44. My husband.
Martins, Christian R.T., Born, 1842 (worn). Died, 1877.
Scharp, Karl J., Died, 11/7/1877. Age, 43 yr., 11 mo.
Jacob, Herman, Born, 1845. Died, 1879.
Jahnke, John, Born, 1827. Died, 1877. Father of John, Charles & C.
Herman, Died, 12/8/1865. Age, 6 mo., 3 d. Son of F & V. Hager. A brother of Fran and Bill Hager. He was a wagonmaker for Creet.
Matz, Maria Sheffert, Born, 1/12/1827. Died, 8/11/1866.
Schaefer, Dr. Ph. Carl, Born, 1/1/1804. Died, 12/12/1869.
Witt, Christian, Born, 7/13/1833. Died, 11/15/1893.
Hanna, Born, 1856. Died, 1899. Wife of Chas. Nitz.
Charlotte, (the next grave & lettering fell off)
Lau, Henry F., Born, 3/21/1826. Died, 8/25/1901.
Lau, Sophia, Born, 12/10/1822. Died, 3/19/1903.
Grom, Anna G.B., Born, 11/27/1887. Died, 6/15/1904.
Wagner, Louisa, Born, 1886. Died, 1935. Mother.
Sophia, Born, 1861. Died, 19--.
Charles, Born, 1857. Died, 1940.
Buehler, George, Born, 2/18/1840. Died, 5/1/1907.
Buehler, Gesina, Born, 8/12/1845. Died, 4/17/1908.
Milow, Heinrich, Born, 1839. Died, 1911.
Ahlgrim, Herman H., Born, 1915. Died, 1937. Son.
Toppel, Fritz, Died, 6/28/1913.
Carolina, Born, 1/24/1840. Died, 2/2/1922. His wife.
Froehlich, Johann A., Born, 5/23/1829. Died, 3/6/1899.
Mana, Born, 7/29/1833. Died, 7/24/1913. His wife. Geb. Klingenberg.
Essgel, Christoph, Born, 9/12/1819. Died, 2/11/1902.
Froehlich, Johanna, Louise, Sophie, Dorothy (stone too worn to read word) (this lot in 2nd or 3rd row missed).
Many more are buried there after this date-6/12/1943. They will probably be recorded in my "Village Album."