Join Adult Services librarians to discuss popular titles in a social book club for adults. Register. Meeting Room.

One Summer in Savannah by Terah Shelton Harris
Monday, May 13, 7 PM

The Violin Conspiracy by Brendon Slocumb
Monday, June 10, 7 PM

Horse by Geraldine Brooks
Monday, July 8, 7 PM

Kindness and Wonder by Gavin Edwards
Monday, August 12, 7 PM

Virtual Book Club Resources

Goodreads: Can help you track books you've already read. Use Groups to poll and share information with your club.
LitLovers: Discussion guides, titles suggestions, and reviews.
Database with book recommendations for all ages. Reviews and discussion guides.
What to Do When There's No Discussion Guide Available:
General questions from

Talk to Us

What titles will your club be discussing in the future? Contact Liz Kirchhoff. This information helps us to make purchasing decisions for our book club collection.