Invite a friendly, knowledgeable librarian to speak about any of the following topics. To make arrangements, please contact Jason Pinshower, Head of Adult Services, or 847-382-1300 x 3000.
3-D Printing:
We're excited about the possibilities offered by 3-D printing, and want to share them with you.
Genealogy 101:
Start now on a hobby that lasts a lifetime. The Barrington Area Library licenses Ancestry Library Edition, Fold3, and HeritageQuest, plus America's Obituaries and Death Notices.
Magazines for you:
The Economist, Chicago Magazine, Country Living: get these magazines and many more at home or on the road through RBdigital, the library's FREE digital magazine service. We'll show you how.
Read always and everywhere:
Learn how to check out e-books and e-audiobooks from the library.
Reading and book club recommendations:
Liz Kirchhoff, Adult Services librarian and former chair of the Notable Books Council, has read more books than anyone we know. She would love to talk with you about what's new and exciting.
Social media to keep in touch:
Facebook - Connect with your family and friends and with your community.
Twitter - Follow your friends, experts, and favorite celebrities, and get breaking news as it occurs.
Skype - Chat/videochat with family or business colleagues in far-flung locales.
New Classics: The New Generation of Quality Literature for Children
Which current children's books will stand the test of time? Explore our best guesses and predictions of which books children will still be reading generations from now. Contact Aly Prchal, head of Youth Services, or 847-382-1300 x 6000.