Everything you need to know to grow a successful and delicious veggie garden with the Seed Library. Solanum lycoperscium Annual Planting: Start indoors 7 - 9 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 80 - 90 Light: Sun Spacing: 18” - 36” Height: 36” - 96” Depth: ¼” Water: 1” - 2” per week Germination: 7 - 10 days Notes: Relocate seedlings outdoors after the last spring frost. Watering on a regular schedule helps avoid blossom-end rot and/or cracking. Eruca vesicaria sativa Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors when soil temperature reaches 40°F Harvest Days: 40 - 45 Light: Sun, partial shade Spacing: 6” - 12” Height: 12” - 18” Depth: ¼” Water: 1” per week Germination: 7 days; slightly longer in cold temperatures Notes: Can tolerate light frosts. Can also be grown as a microgreen or in containers. This slow to bolt variety resembles dandelion leaves. Raphanus sativus Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors when soil temperature reaches 60°F Harvest Days: 50 Light: Sun Spacing: 4” - 6” Height: 6” - 18” Depth: ½” Water: 1” per week Germination: 4 - 11 days Notes: For symmetrical radishes, plant in raised beds in loosely worked soil. Zea mays Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors when soil temperature reaches 60°F Harvest Days: 105 Light: Sun Spacing: 6” - 9” Height: 72” Depth: 1” Water: 1” per week Germination: 7 - 14 days Notes: Arrange in blocks of at least 4 rows for proper pollination, which is needed for well-filled ears. Cucurbita moschata Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors after the last spring frost and soil temperature is 65°F - 70°F Harvest Days: 110 Light: Sun Spacing: 18” - 24” Height: 6” - 24” Depth: 1” Water: 1” - 2” per week Germination: 5 - 10 days Notes: Prolific producer. Regardless of color or size, winter squash are generally ripe once the stem is solid and rind is tough, unable to be pierced by a fingernail. Clip squash from the vine with shears leaving about 4" of stem intact and, once harvested, leave out to naturally cure in the sun for 10-14 days. The curing process will help winter squash last up to 3 months longer after harvesting. Capsicum annuum Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors 2 weeks before the last spring frost or start indoors 6 - 8 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 70 - 75 Light: Sun Spacing: 8” Height: 24” Depth: ¼” Water: 1” per week. Germination: 16 - 20 days Notes: Transplant after all danger of frost has passed. Can be treated as a perennial if plant is moved indoors over the winter. Cucurbita pepo Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors after the last spring frost Harvest Days: 50 Light: Sun Spacing: 24” Height: 18” - 24” Depth: 1” Water:1” - 2” per week Germination: 7 - 14 days Notes: In Italy, zucchini are harvested small, with flowers still attached. Very tender and results in a profusion of blooms. Cucurbita pepo Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors after the last spring frost Harvest Days: 58 Light: Sun Spacing: 18” - 24” Height: 24” - 48” Depth: 1” Water: 1” per week. Germination: 7 - 14 days Notes: Continuous yield. Flowers are also edible. Raphanus sativus Annual Planting: Start seeds indoors in a tray or sprouting jar. Spread seeds evenly and mist with water. Cover seeds and place in a dark area for 3 - 5 days. Rinse and drain the seeds 2 - 3 times a day. After the initial 3 - 5 days, move the seeds into indirect sunlight until ready to harvest. Harvest Days: 10 - 15 Light: Sun Spacing: ⅛” - ¼” Height: 2” Depth: Surface sow Water: Water from bottom and mist regularly Germination: 5 - 7 days Notes: Grow in a protected area indoors. Cucurbita pepo Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors after the last spring frost and soil temperature is 65°F - 70°F Harvest Days: 105 Light: Sun Spacing: 6’ Height: 6” - 24” Depth: 1” Water: 1” - 2” per week Germination: 7 - 14 days Notes: Good for carving or pie. Trim tertiary leaves to save on space and produce larger pumpkins. Cucumis sativus Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors after the last spring frost, or start indoors 3 - 4 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 65 Light: Sun Spacing: 12” Height: 96” Depth: ½” Water: 2” per week Germination: 5 - 10 days Notes: Water regularly. If planted near seeded cucumbers, this variety will also make seeds due to cross-pollination. Cucumis sativus Annual Planting: Start indoors 4 - 6 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 55 - 60 Light: Sun Spacing: 36” - 48” Height: 6” - 12” Depth: 1” Water: 1” per week Germination: 3 - 10 days Notes: Cucumbers perform best when grown on 8" tall mounds. Provide a trellis to minimize crowding. Shallow roots will benefit from regular watering and top layer of mulch. Do not plant near basil, cauliflower, or potatoes. Brassica rapa var. chinensis Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors after the last spring frost or start indoors 4 - 5 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 40 - 50 Light: Sun Spacing: 3” - 8” Height: 5” Depth: ⅛” Water: 1” per week Germination: 7 - 12 days Notes: Prefers cooler temps. May bolt in hot weather. Brassica Oleracea Capitata Biennial Planting: Sow outdoors after the last spring frost or 10 weeks before the first fall frost. Harvest Days: 60 - 95 Light: Sun Spacing: 18”- 24” Height: 12”- 15” Depth: ¼” Water: 1”- 2” of water per week Germination: 5 - 14 days Notes: Works in smaller garden spaces. Daucus carota subsp. Sativus Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors in sandy, looser soil when soil temperature reaches 55°F - 70°F Harvest Days: 65 - 75 Light: Sun Spacing: 1” - 2” Height: 7” roots with mounding leafy top Depth: ½” Water: 1” per week. Germination: 14 - 21 days Notes: Increase water to 2” per week as crop matures. Allow roots to dry between watering to avoid forked roots. Beta vulgaris var. cicla Biennial Planting: Direct sow outdoors two weeks before last frost Harvest Days: 60 Light: Sun Spacing: 12” Height: 12”-18” Depth: ½” Water: 1” per week Germination: 5-14 days Notes: Excellent cool weather plant that will not bolt in summer heat. Use in place of spinach; ornamental too. Brassica oleracea var. capitata Annual Planting: Start indoors 6 - 8 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 90 - 110 Light: Sun, partial shade Spacing: 18” - 24” Height: 12” - 30” Depth: ¼” Water: 1” - 2” per week. Germination: 5 - 12 days Notes: Relocate seedlings outdoors after the last spring frost. Heads can weigh up to 5 lbs. Benefits from regular fertilizing. Lactuca sativa Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors when soil temperature reaches 60°F, or start indoors 3 - 4 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 30 - 51 Light: Partial shade Spacing: 8” Height: 12” Depth: Barley cover Water: 2” per week Germination: 7 - 15 days Notes: Grows best at 60°F – 65°F and germinates best below 70°F. Can tolerate light frosts. Solanum Lycoperscium Annual Planting: Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last spring frost, keep in a warm area with plenty of sun. Harvest Days: 80 Light: Sun Spacing: 18”- 36” Height: 4’- 6’ Depth: ¼”- ½” Water: 1” of water per week Germination: 7 - 10 Notes: Disease resistant paste tomato. Capsicum annuum var. grossum Annual Planting: Start indoors 6 - 8 weeks prior to the last frost Harvest Days: 60 - 80 Light: Sun Spacing: 24” - 36” Height: 24” Depth: ¼” Water: 1” per week. Germination: 8 - 10 days Notes: Relocate seedlings outdoors once soil temperatures reach 60°F or higher. Peppers kept on plant until red have a slight heat if eaten with the seeds. Cucurbita pepo Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors after the last spring frost or start indoors 3 - 4 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 80 - 100 Light: Sun Spacing: 4’ - 8’ Height: 4’ Depth: 1” Water: 2” per week. Germination: 4 - 14 days Notes: Regardless of color or size, winter squash are generally ripe once the stem is solid and rind is tough, unable to be pierced by a fingernail. Clip squash from the vine with shears leaving about 4" of stem intact and, once harvested, leave out to naturally cure in the sun for 10 - 14 days. The curing process will help winter squash last up to 3 months longer after harvesting. Spinacia oleracea Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors 5 - 6 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 35 - 50 Light: Sun Spacing: 2” - 4” Height: 9” - 15” Depth: ¼” Water: 1 ½” per week. Germination: 7 - 21 days Notes: Prefers cool weather. Can also be planted in autumn. Citrullus lanatus Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors after the last spring frost or start indoors 3 - 4 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 75 - 80 Light: Sun Spacing: 36” - 48” Height: 12” - 18” Depth: 1” Water: 2” per week Germination: 4 - 12 days Notes: Plant requires ample water to produce fruit. Harvest when vine tendril is completely brown without any sign of green. Pisum sativum Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors when soil temperature reaches 40°F Harvest Days: 58 Light: Sun Spacing: 1 ½” Height: 72” Depth: ½” - 1” Water: ½” per week Germination: 7 - 10 days Notes: Needs support, remove string prior to eating. Brassica rapa var. narinosa Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors after the last spring frost, or start indoors 3 - 4 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 25 - 45 Light: Sun, partial shade Spacing: 2” - 3” Height: 6” - 12” Depth: ¼” Water: 1” per week Germination: 7 days Notes: Harvest with a knife when leaves reach desired size, about 3”- 6". Make sure to cut above the basal plate for cut-and-come-again harvests. Cut again when plants are at desired size, 5 - 14 days depending on variety and season. Phaseolus vulgaris Annual Planting: Sow directly outdoors after the last spring frost Harvest Days: 55 - 70 Light: Sun Spacing: 2” Height: 15” - 20” Depth: 1” Water: 1” - 3” per week Germination: 8 - 10 days Notes: Green, yellow, and purple beans. Pick regularly to encourage new pods. Solanum lycopersicum Annual Planting: Start indoors 7 - 9 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 80 Light: Sun Spacing: 36” Height: 60” - 72” Depth: ¼” Water: 2” per week Germination: 7 - 10 days Notes: Relocate seedlings outdoors after the last spring frost. Watering on a regular schedule helps avoid blossom-end rot and/or cracking. Solanum lycopersicum Annual Planting: Start indoors 5 - 6 weeks before last spring frost Harvest Days: 59 Light: Sun Spacing: 12” - 24” Height: 6” - 18” Depth: ¼” Water: 1” - 2” per week Germination: 7 - 14 days Notes: Relocate seedlings outdoors after the last spring frost. Should be staked, trellised, or caged, and pruned for best results; fruit ripens over an extended period. Solanum lycopersicum Annual Planting: Start indoors 5-6 weeks before last spring frost Harvest Days: 78 Light: Sun Spacing: 24” - 36” Height: 36” - 84” Depth: ¼” Water: 1” - 2” per week Germination: 7 - 14 days Notes: Relocate seedlings outdoors after the last spring frost. Should be staked, trellised, or caged, and pruned for best results; fruit ripens over an extended period. Solanum lycoperscium Annual Planting: Start indoors 6 - 8 weeks before the last spring frost Harvest Days: 78 Light: Sun Spacing: 24” - 36” Height: 36” - 96” Depth: ¼” Water: 1” - 2” per week Germination: 5 - 14 days Notes: Relocate seedlings outdoors after the last spring frost. Use a cage or stakes to support.Amana Orange Tomato - OUT OF STOCK
Black Spanish Radish - OUT OF STOCK
Blue Corn
Butternut Squash - OUT OF STOCK
Cayenne Pepper - OUT OF STOCK
Cocozelle Zucchini - OUT OF STOCK
Crookneck Squash - OUT OF STOCK
Daikon Radish Microgreen
Jack O’Lantern Pumpkin - OUT OF STOCK
Lemon Cucumber - OUT OF STOCK
Muncher Cucumber
Pak Choi
Premier Kale
Rainbow Blend Carrots
Rainbow Swiss Chard - OUT OF STOCK
Red Cabbage
Red Salad Bowl
Rio Grande Tomato - OUT OF STOCK
Shishito Pepper - OUT OF STOCK
Spaghetti Squash - OUT OF STOCK
Spinach - OUT OF STOCK
Sugar Baby Watermelon - OUT OF STOCK
Sugar Snap Peas - OUT OF STOCK
Tatsoi Asian Greens
Tricolor Bush Bean - OUT OF STOCK
Vintage Wine Tomato - OUT OF STOCK
White Cherry Tomato - OUT OF STOCK
Yellow Brandywine Tomato - OUT OF STOCK
Yellow Pear Cherry Tomato - OUT OF STOCK
Everything you need to know to grow a successful and delicious veggie garden with the Seed Library.