October 3, 1891
S. of Y. - meet at Colburn’s hall, third Tuesday of each month. F. O. Willmarth, Captain; Albert ulitsch, First Sergeant.
Baptist Church - Mr. Henry, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Evening services at 7:30 p.m. Sabbath School 12 m.
Sr. Ann’s Catholic Church - Rev. E. A. Goulet, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 9 o’ clock a.m.
Methodist Episcopal Church - Rev. Wm. Clark, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath School at 12 m. Class meeting at 7 p.m.
German Evangelical Church - Rev. A. Schusester, Pastor, Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Evening service at 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school at 9 a.m.
German Evangelical St. Paul’s Church - Rev. E Rahn, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sabbath school at 9:30 a.m.
Loundsbury Lodge, No. 751 - meets at their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. C. H. Austin, W. M.; A. Gleason, S. W.; C.H. Lines, J. W.; H. T. Abbott Treas.; F. O. Willmarth, Sec.; L. A. Powers S. D. ; Albert Ulitech, J. D.; Stewart Miller, T.
Barrington Post, No. 275, G.A.R. Department of Ill. - meet every second Friday in the month, at Colburn’s Hall. F. J. Buck, Commader; R. Purcell, S. V. C.; Fred Welsman, J. V. C.; L. Krahn, S.; Stewart Miller, Chaplain; A. Gleason, Q.M.; A. S. Henderson D.; C. G. Senn, O.G.
W. R. C., No. 85 - meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Mrs. R. Lombard, Pres. Miss R. Brockway, Sec.
M. W. A., No. 809 - meet first and third Saturday of each month, at Lamey’s Hall. D. A. Smith, V. C.; John Robertson, W. A.; C.H. Kendall, E. B.; C.H. Austin Clerk; H.K. Brockway, E.; Fred, Kirschner, W.; Wm. Antholtz, S.
Miss Wena Bauman can show you the latest styles in millinery. Give her a call.
For a good cigar cal at A. L. Waller’s.
Will Meyer spent Sunday with his brother at Lake Zurich.
Aug. Mattes visited at Chicago, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Senn have returned home after a visit with relatives at New York.
A gravel train ran into the hind end of the milk express at Mt. prospect, Tuesday morning about 9 o'clock and blockaded the road for about three hours.
Franklin Soet, who has been working in a drug store in Nebraska for some time past has returned home. He will attend the Chicago Medical College this winter.
Mrs. S. Dickinson’s personal property was advertised to be sold Friday, October 2, 1891.
Hawley Bros. are putting in a large cistern on their farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Asbby were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Otis Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Beo Castle will reside in Chicago.
M. B. mcIntosh will remodel what was formerally his office, for a dwelling.
The material for Mr. Froelich’s new house is arriving and work will soon be commenced on the foundation.
A foundation is being put under Mr. G. W. Lageschulte’s house this week.
Henry Miller has purchased the property owned by Mr. Arthur Rider, which is opposite Mr. J. Catlow’s residence.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bennett of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Sunday.
Those who have not paid up their sub- (tear in paper) on this paper will oblige us by (tear) once.
(Tear in paper) have the largest assortment (tear) stoves in town. Call us and see
(Tear in paper) Robie Brockway is taking her vaation (tear)
(Tear in paper) Heimerdinger was at home a few (tear) week on account of the death of (tear) ye’s mother.
(tear in paper) mie Clark visited relatives at (tear) last week.
(Tear in paper) H. Grebe spent Sunday at home.
Mrs. John Jahnke and family have returned home.
There was a sewing be at the residence of L. E. Runyan, Tuesday.
Mrs. Cooper and daughter Miss Belle visited here Saturday.
Wm. Hager’s cider mill is now in running order. Bring in your apples.
Auction bills printed on short notice at this office.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Miller are making preparations to move to Carpentersville.
The M. E. Aid Society have elected officers for the ensuing year as follo ps: Mrs. J. O. Sulleck, President; Mrs. U. Burlingham, Vice-President; Mrs. C. Wool, Treasurer; Miss Mamie Clark, Secretary.
There will be no service at the Baptist Church Sunday.
Prof. Strayer of Wauconda and brother of Iowa, visited here Saturday.
Among those that attended the Libertyville fair last week were Messers and Mesdam(?), E. E. Hawley, C. H. Austin, Mrs, Lines, Mrs. Powers, Miss Mamie Clark, Messers S. Clark, Chas. Runyan, Al. Hawley and Frank Searls.
Mrs. J. K. Bennett and son Fred haue returned io Barrington.
A surprise was tendered Mr. and Mrs. U. Burlingham Wednesday evening, Sept. So, the occasion being the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. A very enjoyable evening was spent by those having the honor to be present. The presents were numerous and useful.
Mrs. H. M. Davis of St. Cloud, Mich., is visiting at Wm. Aowartha this week.
Improvements in country roads have been very slow in this section of the country. The present road commissioners of the town of Cuba seemingly realize this and have done some work on the roads during the past summer, which is evidence that they do not mean to leave us altogether behind the times and they deserve a great deal of credit. Hills that have been albut impassable with heavy loads have been removed, and the work is still progressing. This work cannot, of course, be all done in one year, but we hope to see them keep at it until it is done.
Those who saw the narrow escape of an accident Wednesday morning about 8 o’clock will fully realize the necessity of grates at the crossings here. As the St. Paul train was coming a young boy by the name of Niss made a start to drive across the track but avoided an accident by stopping them when about three feet from the main track.
(tear in page) M. Grady and Miss B. A. Lamey (tear) friends at Elgin, Wednesday.
A surprise party was given John L. Meiners at his home Tuesday evening. September29th it being the 38th anniversary of his birthday. Refreshments were served, and the evening spent in a social way. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. August Landwer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Wessel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Boelmier and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rieke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henry Messrs, henry Brandt, Edward Brandt, John Kampert, Frank Laudwer, Misses Mary Brandt, Jackson, Lydia Trye.
Mrs. L. Colburn went to Chicogo, Thursday, where she will make her home permanently with her son. Mr. T. B. Richard son.Brick and sand furnished at very close prices in car load lots. Also Joliet rabble stone, lime, cement and other building material always on hand at E. Lamey’s.