July 11, 1891
S. of Y. - meet at Colburn’s hall, third Tuesday of each month. F. O. Willmarth, Captain; Albert ulitsch, First Sergeant.
Baptist Church - Mr. Henry, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Evening services at 7:30 p.m. Sabbath School 12 m.
Sr. Ann’s Catholic Church - Rev. E. A. Goulet, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 9 o’ clock a.m.
Methodist Episcopal Church - Rev. Wm. Clark, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath School at 12 m. Class meeting at 7 p.m.
German Evangelical Church - Rev. A. Schusester, Pastor, Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Evening service at 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school at 9 a.m.
German Evangelical St. Paul’s Church - Rev. E Rahn, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sabbath school at 9:30 a.m.
Loundsbury Lodge, No. 761, - meets a their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. C. H. Austin, W. M.; A. Gleason, S. W.; C. H. Lines, J. W.; H. T. Abbott, Treas.; F. O. Willmarth, Sec.; L. A. Powers, S.D.; Albert ulitech, J.D.; Stewart Miller, T.
Barrington Post, No. 275. G.A.R. Department of 111. - meet every second Friday in the month, at Colburn’s Hall. F. J. Buck, Commander; R. Purcell, S.V. C.; Fred Weisman, J. V. C.; I., Krahn, S.; Stewart Miller, Chaplain; A. Gleason, Q. M.; A. S. Henderson D.; C. G. Senn, O. G.
W.R.C. No. 85 - meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Mrs. R. Lombard, Pres. Miss R. Brockway, Sec.
M. W. A., No. 809 - meet first and third Saturday of each month, at Lamey’s Hall. D. A. Smith, V. V.; John Robertson, W.A.; C. H. Kendall, E.B.; C. H. Austin, Clerk; H. K. Brockway, E.; Fred, Kirschner, W.; Wm. Antholtz, S.
Mr. Owen Sweeney spent July 4th, in Indiana.
Miss Emma Barnett is visiting her friend Miss Libbie Green, at Wauconda.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilbert Were here Sunday.
Edward Lamey and . Shedey, of Chicago, visited at E. Lamey’s Sunday.
Prof. W. H. Strayer, of Wauconda, was a caller here Sunday.
Hugh J. Reynolds. Of New Haven, Conn. was here Wednesday looking after the estate of his brother, James Reynolds.
Arthur Fischer, of Chicago, visited here during the past week.
All books must be returned to the School Library, July 15th. Others can be had if desired.
There will be Children’s meeting at the Baptist Church 3:30 p.m., Sundays and Fridays of each week, at the M. E. church 2:30 p.m.
Mr. G.E. Alverson and wife spent a week at Albany, Wisconsin.
Miss Mary Kellogg, of Elgin, was at Mr. L. E. Runyan’s last week.
Mr. J. O. Selleck went to work again Monday.
Manford Bennett and family have been visiting at Nippersink.
W. E. Blaikie of Park Ridge has the best list of property on hand in this section, and theprices are within reach of all buyers. Monthly payments if desired. Several good houses to rent.
Mr. Jencks now drives the stage between Wauconda and Barringtion.
Geo. P. Barnum, of Waukegan, was a visitor here recently.
D. F. Lamey transacted business at Waukegan Thursday.
Mrs. F. Richardson, of Chicago, is visiting at Mrs. L. Colburns.
George Mengerson and family visited at E. Peters, Sunday.
A new steam thresher was unloaded here Wednesday for parties south of Barrington.
Miss Ida Gieske visited friends at Lombard, Ill., tois week.
Mr. Henry Brockway went to Washington, D. C., last week to visit his brother Lewis.
W. Smiley is sick.
Joseph Catlow is improving slowly.
Daisy Buck, Kennie Richardson and George Hawley visited friends here Saturday and Sunday.
Barrington was well represented at Wauconda, July 4th, it being the nearest place that celebrated. All enjoyed the day very much.
Miss Bertha Seebert expects to leave for Missouri, July 15th, where she will spend two months visiting friends.
Fred Vermilya lost $30 in currency while going to the bank Thursday of last week. A liberal reward will be given to finder upon its return.
Martin G. Hendrickson, who died at Barrington Center, June 21st, was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and his wife will receive $3000, the full amount of insurance he carried.
We are glad to make note that Leroy Powers is able to be around again.
Harry Vermulya is now Night Operator at this place.
Geo. A. Sanderson of Chicago, general agent of the Louisville, New Albany, and Chicago Railway, is at W. Harrower’s this week.
Report of the M. E. Sunday School last Sunday - Officers and teachers present, twelve, sixt-six scholars. Col. 125.
The gentlemen that promsied to give a temperance lecture Wednesday evening of last week, failed to show up.
Miss Hattie Houghtelling of Chicago spent a few days with Miss Maude Gray, during the past week.
The St. paul train which arrives here at 8:30 o’ clock p.m., will stop Sunday evenings for passengers.
Cossy and Darsy Zimmerman and Annie Flinn of Elgin, are visiting at Mr. J. Zimmerman’s
Rev. Thos. F. Leyden, of Aurora, Ill., former pastor of the Catholic church at this place., visited numerous friends Thursday and Friday of last week.
Misses Nellie and Alma Holden, of Chicago, will spend a few weeks at Mr. W. Harrower’s this summer.
Mr. P. A. Starch, wife and family of Chicago visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Zimmerman, last week.
Misses Ida and Minnie Kiehl, of Chicago, visited at Mr. Chas. Senn’s during the past week.
Edward Heimerdinger, Edward Newett and Fred heimerdinoer, of Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday here.